salsafestaribileet 2024!

Älä missaa vuoden upeita salsafestivaalibileitä, joissa on musiikkia, tanssia ja jännitystä! Tule mukaan !

torstai 28.3.


  • TO 28.3. WARM-UP PARTY | 15€ / 25€ | 20-01

  • Sijainti: Tanssikoulu Baila Baila, Eerikinkatu 27, 00180 Helsinki

  • Salit: Sali 1 SALSA – Sali 2 BACHATA

  • Liput: 15€ vain bileet / 25€ pre-party workshop + billeet (the pre-party workshop is included in the full pass & the bachata full pass)

  • 20.00 Ovet avataan

  • 20.10-21 Bachata sensual pre-party workshop : Azael & Gabi

  • 23.00 Animations by Baila Baila and festival teachers

perjantai 29.3.

gala night PARTY

  • PE: 29.3. GALA NIGHT | 25€ / 35€ + narikkamaksu 20-03

  • Sijainti: Valkoinen Sali, Aleksanterinkatu 16-18, 00170 Helsinki

  • Salit: Studio 1 SALSA – Studio 2 BACHATA

  • Liput: 25€ only party / 35€ pre-party workshop + party (the pre-party workshop is included in the full pass & the bachata full pass)

  • 20.00 Ovet avataan

  • 20.10-21 Bachata fusion pre-party workshop: Azael & Gabi

  • 23.00 Animations & shows.

  • 02.30 Last Dances!

lauantai 30.3.

habana night PARTY

  • LA 30.3. HABANA NIGHT PARTY | 25€ / 35€ + narikkamaksu | 20-03

  • Sijainti: Valkoinen Sali, Aleksanterinkatu 16-18, 00170 Helsinki

  • Salit: Studio 1 SALSA – Studio 2 BACHATA

  • Liput: 25€ only party / 35€ pre-party workshop + party (the pre-party workshop is included in the full pass & the bachata full pass)

  • 20.00 Ovat avataan

  • 20.10-21 Couple salsa pre-party workshop: Wilmer & Maria

  • 02.30 Last Dances for everyone, remember to leave our party with a smile!

  • Enjoy the party!